
β–Ί Chapter 12: Introduction to nonlinear learning

12.6 Validation error

In the previous Section we introduced three fundamental families of universal approximators referred to as kernels, neural networks, and trees. There we also saw how our pursuit for the appropriate nonlinearity in a dataset is best organized by employing a model of the general form

\begin{equation} \text{model}\left(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{w}\right) = w_0 + f_1\left(\mathbf{x}\right){w}_{1} + f_2\left(\mathbf{x}\right){w}_{2} + \cdots + f_B\left(\mathbf{x}\right)w_B. \end{equation}

where the $B$ units $f_1,...,f_B$ all come only one of these three families. The capacity - or nonlinear potential - of any given model is then controlled by a combination of the kind of units we use (some have more capacity than others - like e.g., a neural network compared to a polynomial unit) and the number of units $B$ we use.

In the previous Section we also saw how training error - or the error of a model measured on the data used to train it - is an improrer measurement tool for detemrining the proper capacity (or nonlinearity) of a model with real data. In this Section we introduce our first proper measurement tool for determining proper model capacity: validation error.

Note: for the sake of simplicity in the examples of this Section we use polynomial universal approximators, but in each example described here we can just as easily use any other.

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12.6.1 A general diagnosis of underfitting / overfittingΒΆ

There is no simple closed form mathematical way of determining the proper model for a generic supervised / unsupervised learning dataset - in general we will need to try out a range of models in order to find the one with the most appropriate amount of capacity for a given dataset. This makes quantifying what makes a model "good" for a given dataset a somewhat challenging task at first glance. It is easier to answer this quandary by tackling its negative: what makes a model "bad" for a given dataset?

Well we know if a model has too little capacity it underfits a dataset, meaning that it is too rigid to accurately represent the sort of nonlinearity present in the phenomenon underlying the data. Conversely if a model has too much capacity it overfits the data, being too flexible to adequately match the nonlinearity present. When we as humans visualize a dataset, and a model fit to it, we can see how well the model is performing, and so can visually determine if more or less capacity is required. But we of course cannot / do not want to rely on our visualization skills in general, not only because we cannot visualize most datasets (given that they are too high dimensional), but because our ultimate aim is to automate the process of tuning the capacity of a model correctly. So how can we codify our abiilty to diagnose what makes a model "bad"?

By examining a few simple examples - like the regression one below - we can work out an idea of what to do.

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Below we show three model fits to the above data. In the left panel we show a linear model - which we can see underfits the data, in the middle panel we show a degree $19$ polynomial model - which cleary overfits the data present, and in the right panel we show a degree $3$ polynomial model - which appears to fit quite well. From studying the left two panels we can ask ourselves: what do both the underfitting and overfitting patterns have in common, that the "good" model does not?

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One thing that clearly differentiates the underfitting and overfitting models: the former does a poor job of representing the data we already have, while the latter represents this data very well (indeed too well). Scanning the left two panels would you agree that one common problem with both the underfitting/overfitting models is that - while they differ in how well they represent data we already have - they will both fail to adequately represent new data, generated via the same process by which the current data was made? The data we have clearly follows some sort of wavy sinusoidal pattern - one that is well represented by the model on the right - so if any future data generated by the same process looks at all similar to this neither our underfitting or overfitting models will represent it appropriately. Another way of thinking about it: we learn regressors to make predictions - so that we can appropriately predict the output for a new input point $x_{\text{new}}$. Given the data we already have, would we trust either of the underfitting / overfitting models to perform this task well? Certainly not. On the other hand - the "good" model seems like it would work well as a predictor for future datapoints.

The same sort of intuition holds regardless of the learning task at play. For example, below is a relatively simple two class nonlinear classification dataset.

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Now we perform the same sort of experiment - we examine an underifitting (left panel), overfitting (middle panel), and 'just right' (right panel) model below. These were created using a linear, degree 15 polynomial, and degree 2 polynomial model respectively. Notice here that the underfitting linear model just classifies everything as part of the blue class. Again we can ask ourselves: studying the left two panels what do both the underfitting and overfitting patterns have in common, that the 'just right' model does not?

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Again we could say that clearly the underfitting model fails to represent data we already have, while the overfitting model fits our current data very well (all of the points are indeed classified correctly). Once again however both the underfitting/overfitting models both will fail to adequately represent new data, generated via the same process by which the current data was made. The data we have is largely separated by a circular boundary - one like the one found by the model on the right - so if any future data generated by the same process looks similar, neither our underfitting nor overfitting models will appropriately represent it.

Moving beyond the visualizations, what kind empirical quantity can we use to make this distinction between "good" and "bad" (underfitting / overfitting models)? What empircal measurement do we even have to quantify how well a model fits a given dataset? Well - up to this point - we have almost universally employed just one kind of measurement: the cost function value evaluated over the entire set of training data, or training errror. This we have largely used as a way of determining now well we have tuned a model's parameters / minimized an associated cost function. It does not tell us how "good" a particular model is, only how well a model can be made to fit a particular set of training data.

So - in other words - the value of our cost function on the training data (or the training error) does not tell us when a model has the right capacity (has optimally set parameters) - we need another way of measuring the 'goodness' of a model.

The value of our cost function on the training data - also known as the training error - does not tell us when a model has a proper capacity - we need another way of measuring the 'goodness' of a model.

12.6.2 Measuring validation errorΒΆ

We now have a general diagnosis for the problem of underfitting / overfitting, that such a model does not accurately represent new data we might receive in the future. But how can we make use of this description - we of course do not have access to any "new data we will receive in the future" so how are we to know if a model works well for a given dataset?

The first practical solution - and the one employed universally in machine learning / deep learning - is to simply remove a random portion of the data we have from training and pretend that it is 'new data we might receive in the future'. In other words we cut out a random chunk of the dataset we have, train our selection of models on only the data that remains, and validate the performance of each model on this randomly removed chunk of 'new' data. The portion of our data that remains for use to train our models is referred to as the training set, with the portion used to validate the effecacy of each model referred to as the validation set. So in other words, we determine the best choice from a selection of models by choosing the one with the lowest validation error.

We use a models error on a validation set - referred to as its validation error - to determine how well a model's capacity has been set with respect to a given dataset. From a set of models to try out we then choose the one that provides the lowest varlidation error.

Validation error - unlike training error - is in fact a proper measurement tool for determining the quality of a model.

This idea of splitting up the data into training and validation sets is illustrated figuratively below.

Figure 4: Splitting the data into testing and validation sets. The original data (left panel) shown here as the entire circular mass is split randomly (middle panel) into $k$ non-overlapping sets (here $k=3$). (right panel) One piece, or $\frac{1}{k}$ of the original dataset, is then taken randomly as the testing set with the remaining pieces, or $\frac{k-1}{k}$ of the original data, taken as the training set.

At this point there are still many questions to address - e.g., how much of our dataset do we set aside as validation? which models should we try out? - but before addressing these lets examine two simple examples below to get a better intuition as to why validation error helps determine the best model from a given set of choices.

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Example 3. A simple regression cross validation exampleΒΆ

In this example we illustrate the use of the training / validation data split detailed above on the $N=1$ dimensional input sinusoidal regression dataset used previously in Example 1. Here we use $\frac{2}{3}$ of the original set of $21$ data points for training, and the other $\frac{1}{3}$ for validation. The set of models we compare here are polynomials of degree $D = 1,...,10$. Moving the slider from left to right below shows the fit of each polynomial model from degree $1$ to $10$ sequentially on the original dataset (upper left panel), training data (top right panel), and validation data (bottom left panel). The errors on both the training (shown in blue) and validation (shown in yellow) data is shown in the bottom right panel. Since we are testing a sequence of models where each subsequent polynomial includes only one more unit than the previous, the horizontal axes of this errors panel displays the number of units

Pulling the slider from left to right, notice that then the validation error is at its lowest - that is, the error on our set of data we are pretending to receive in the future - that indeed the model providing this measurement is indeed a good fit to the entire dataset. Here that model is a degree $3$ polynoimal. Of course as we use more and more polynomial units - mmoving the slider from left to right - the fit to the training data continues to decrease since the higher degree models will indeed fit it better and better. However as the training error continues to decrease, the corresponding validation error starts climbing rapidly as the corresponding models become a poorer and poorer representation of the validation data (notice after a certain point the validation error goes off the screen its so large).

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Example 4. A simple classification cross validation exampleΒΆ

In this example we illustrate the use of the training / validation data split detailed above for the classification dataset shown in Example 2. Here we use $\frac{2}{3}$ of the original set of $99$ data points for training, and the other $\frac{1}{3}$ for validation.

The set of models we compare here are polynomials of degree $D = 1,...,7$. Note because the input here $N=2$ dimensional and we are using full degree polynomial models, the number of units in each successive model increases by more than $1$ unit at a time. Indeed one can compute that a full degree $D$ polynomial - which in this instance consists of all units of the form

\begin{equation} f\left(\mathbf{x}\right) = x_1^ix_2^j \end{equation}

for $i + j \leq D$ - consists of $\binom{2+D}{D} - 1$ such units.

Once again we animate the complete fit of each model to the training data, showing each complete fit and the original data (in the top left panel), and the training data (top right panel), and the validation data (bottom left panel). The training and validation error is likewise shown in the bottom right panel. Notice as you pull the slider from left to right the resulting fit and errors of each subsequent model are shown sequentially from degree $D = 1$ to degree $D = 7$.

Once again, notice how the model that provides the smallest validation error - here the degree $D = 2$ polynomial - provides the best nonlinear decision boundary for the entire dataset. As the training error continues to decrease we overfit it, with such models providing a poor solution for the validation data.

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What portion of our dataset should we save for validation? There is no hard rule, and in practice typically between $\frac{1}{10}$ to $\frac{1}{3}$ of the data is assigned to the validation set. Generally speaking, the larger and /or more representative (of the true phenomenon from which the data is sampled) data the larger the portion of the original data may be assigned to the validation set (e.g., $\frac{1}{3}$ may be placed in the validation set). The intuition here for doing this is that if the data is plentiful / representative enough, the training data still accurately represents the underlying phenomenon. Conversely, in general with smaller or less rich (i.e., more noisy or poorly distributed) datasets we should take a smaller portion for validation (e.g., $\frac{1}{10}$) since the relatively larger training set needs to retain what little information of the underlying phenomenon was captured by the original data if we are to even cross-validate to begin with.

12.6.3 SummaryΒΆ

We now have a proper measurement tool - validation error - that we can use to determine the proper capacity of a model with respect to a given dataset. Now in order to find such a model we first train a variety of models of the form

\begin{equation} \text{model}\left(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{w}\right) = w_0 + f_1\left(\mathbf{x}\right){w}_{1} + f_2\left(\mathbf{x}\right){w}_{2} + \cdots + f_B\left(\mathbf{x}\right)w_B. \end{equation}

where the $B$ units $f_1,...,f_B$ all come from only one of our three famlies of universal approximators (per model, e.g., one model could consist entirely of polynomials, another of neural networks, etc.,). Next, we measure the validation error of each model on the same validation set. Finally we compare these measurements, crowning the one with the lowest score our 'best' model.

There are infinitely many models out there to choose from - infinitely many different combinations of universal approximators to choose from - so we clearly need to organize our search if it is to be at all effective. If we are not careful, if we go about this search in an unthoughtful way, it can easily become overly complicated - and more computationally expensive - than it likely needs to be. So - how do we perform model search in an organized and effecient manner?